Summary: | in ergonomic studies, there is suitableness between task job and
worker. Commonly, worker adapt with task job. This unsuitableness could make
work accidents. In food service industry, the main task begin from kitchen, the
place where food is produced, meanwhile, kitchen layout become important thing
to be aware, for adapting with ergonomic so it can support worker�s
performance. For supporting worker�s performance, fulfillment of energy is
needed in order to energy expenditure match with activity that had done.
Objective: Knowing relationship between ergonomic studies of kitchen layout to
energy expenditure of catering worker that is compared with energy requirement
and energy intake.
Methods: quantitative studies of cross sectional with observation. About 24
industry catering worker who fulfill inclusion criteria, anthropometry
measurements (weight, height and elbow height), energy expenditure
measurement using pedometer and energy intake measurement using multiple
pass 24 hours food recall 3 days consecutively is done. Data analyzed with
independent sample t-test and correlation test.
Results: subject who consist of age classification 20-30 years old and 31-50
years old. Most of subject had normal nutrition status (37.5%). The statistical
analyze of independent sample t-test, p value of energy expenditure (p= 0.974),
energy requirement (p= 0.780), energy intake (p= 0.481). The statistical analyze
of pearson correlation and spearman correlation of energy expenditure, p value
work position (p = 0.089), kitchen layout (p = 0.000), work surface height (p =
0.000), ergonomic (p = 0.823).
Conclusion: based on elbow height measurement and work surface height
measurement, kitchen of catering A, SN, and SF were non-ergonomic catering,
meanwhile kitchen of catering SH was ergonomic catering. Average energy
expenditure from four catering during working 8 hours are 81.75 ± 8.1949 kcal.
There is influence between room temperature and energy expenditure of worker.
Average energy requirements are 2053.08 ± 62.46 kcal. Average energy intake
of all subject are 1307.21 ± 74.94 kcal. Kitchen layout and work surface height
has significantly relationship with energy expenditure of catering worker.