Summary: | High rate of turnover leads to adverse effect to an organization, such as
decrease of product quality cause of a lot of product defect and delay in product
development process and financial loss of employee recruitment and training
This study aims to analyze the effect of salary satisfaction variable, work
load satisfaction, career satisfaction and performance appraisal satisfaction on
turnover intentions. Data is obtained by giving questionnaires to 212 employees
of Research and Development department of PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia.
Data is analyzed using software SPSS 21.0 for Windows.
The result of research shows that salary satisfaction, work load satisfaction,
career satisfaction and performance appraisal satisfaction has a significant effect
on turnover intentions. Therefore, in order to push the turnover intentions in a
low number, the company needs to take efforts to improve salary satisfaction,
work load satisfaction, career satisfaction and performance appraisal satisfaction
of the employees. For the next study is expected to explore other variables such as
organizational commitment, organizational culture, leadership, work environment
and other variables that might have an influence on turnover intentions of
employees in a company.