Summary: | ABSTRACT
This thesis is a cross-sectional study examined knowledge about advertisers' tactics and skeptical toward advertising in a sample of young adolescents. The study predicts that skepticism toward television advertising would be positively relate to knowledge about advertising tactics (hypothesis 1) and self-esteem (hypothesis 2), and would be negatively related to consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence (hypothesis 3).
The purpose of the study is to examine how adolescence think and feel about television advertising. More specifically, it focuses on adolescents' knowledge about tactics that advertiser use to persuade them and their skepticism toward advertisers' motives and claims. As a secondary issue, it examines how skepticism toward advertising related to two other individual differences, self-esteem and consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence. This research may be of interest from (1) the marketing perspective of communicating with a specific target market, (2) the public policy perspective of protecting or educating children and youth, (3) the theoretical perspective of cognitive development.
Evidence shows that knowledge about advertiser tactics and skepticism toward television advertising has high mean rating. Having higher level of knowledge about advertiser tactics is positively related to being more skeptical of advertising. The predictions of this study are tested by using Pearson correlations. The knowledge about advertiser tactic is positively Cr = 0,401) related to mistrust of advertiser motives and was positively (r = 0,262) related to disbelief in advertising claims, which provides clear sup- port for hypothesis 1. Self-esteem is positively (r = 0,363) related to mistrust of advertiser motives and positively (r = 0,292) related to disbelief in advertising claims, which support hypothesis 2. The evidence relating hypothesis 3 showes that CSII was negatively (r = - 0,341) related to mistrust of advertiser motives, and is negatively (r = - 0,296) related to disbelief in advertising, which support for hypothesis 3.
Keywords: adolescent -- skepticism -- advertising -- knowledge about advertiser tactic -- self-esteem -- CSII