Summary: | Milk is one of the animal products, as a source of nutrients for people and has a good price.
However, recently residues in fresh milk have been widely reported, especially antibiotic residues. The purpose of this study is to detect residues of oxytetracycline and penicillin antibiotics in fresh milk. Samples were fresh milk (11), water (1) and concentrate feed (3)'
Fresh milk of 11 samples were taken from group and individual farmers. The qualitative test of antibiotic residues against oxytetracycline and penicillin was carried out by bioassay according to Indonesian National Standards (SNI). Data was analyzed descriptively. The
results showed that the sesitivity of oxytetracycline residue test was I prg I ml and that of penicillin residue was 0.01 ru I ml. Seven percent of samples (1/15) contained oxyetracycline residues in milk of group farmers. Thirry-three percent of the samples (5/15)
"ortuirr.d penicillin residues in both group and individual milk samples. Feed and water did not contain antibiotic residues.