Summary: | Meat is a strategic food commodity, one that have a role in meeting the nutritional needs of the market and supporting human resource development in Indonesia. The fulfilment of beef demand is done by maintaining local cattle that produce meat. One of them is Ongole Grade and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle. Ongole Grade and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle have several differences, including differences in physical characteristics that cause differences in meat quality. Improving meat quality is considered to meet consumer preference trends in choosing meat quality products. The purpose of this study is to compare meat quality in both Ongole Grade and Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle. Thirty meat samples from both cattle were analyzed for meat quality analysis (carcass weight, pH, tenderness, Water Holding Capacity, water, fat, protein, and collagen content). The data obtained were analysed using the Complete Randomized Design with factorial pattern 2x3 for age and breed factor. Carcass weight is affected by both of age and breed factor, and is significantly greater in Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle in age 4-5 years. Ongole Grade cattle has significantly greater carcass weight, water content, and tenderness than Kebumen Ongole Grade cattle. Kebumen Ongole Grade has a significantly greater fat content than Ongole Grade cattle. In conclusion, breed factor and age factor has a significant effect to meat quality and there is no interaction between the two factors in all traits of both cattle.