DETERMINATIONOF TRACE NITRITEAS 4-(4-NITROBENZENAZO)- 1-AMINONAPHTHALENE COMPLEX BY EXTRACTION-5PECTROPHOTOMETRY Metode Penentuan Nitrit sebagal Kompleks 4-(4-Nitrobenzenazo)-1-Amlnonafta/en secara ...

ABSTRACT A study of extraction-spectrophotometricmethod for the determination of trace nitrite as 4-(4-nitrobenzenazo)- 1-aminonaphthalenecomplex using n-amylalcoholand chloroformas organic solvents has been done. Results of the study showed that extraction-spectrophotometricdeterminationof nitrite...

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Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor principal: Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib
Formato: Artigo
Publicado em: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2009