Summary: | The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of work value orientation
and job satisfaction toward organization commitment. Steers dan Porter (2003)
denotes organizational commitment as the strength of an individual’s
identification with and involvement in a particular organization. Super defined
work value orientation is interest and common important belief with job (at
Darokah, 2003) That form a quality of satisfac and labour needed at their work
activity every day. Weiss (1969) denotes work satisfaction in other hand, is the
individual’s assessment of the environment in term how well it meets his needs.
This purpose uses survey method, where data aggregation technique use self
report instrument. Each participant give three scale, there are commitment
organizational scale, work orientation scale and job satisfaction scale. The
participants/subjects are 60 employees which taken from public broadcasting
institution TVRI Yogyakarta. The result shows that there is a significant influence
of work value orientation and job satisfaction toward organization commitment
with significant correlation level is R=0,595, result of anova experiment test
F=15,58 with p=0,00 (p<0,01). That mean is the hipotesis acceptance. R square
score 0,5353 show that both of work values orientation and job satisfaction give
35,3% effective contribution for organizational commitment at this result. In
separated way, the result of t experiment coefficient scores are, work values
orientation t=3,921 with p=0,00 (p<0,01) and job satisfaction t=3,637 with
p=0,001 (p<0,01). The result show the mean that work values orientation and job
satisfaction, each others have intense significant with organizational commitment.