总结: | This research aims at revealing the position of the novel Siddhartha and the author
within the framework of German Orientalism and explains about the connection
between the spirit of the age (Zeitgeist) with a novel Siddhartha that has become the
genesis of the novel, and author�s worldview that has been reflected in Siddhartha as
a result of structuration of social problems at the time of birth his work.
The theory of Genetic Structuralism by Lucien Goldmann is used in this research. In
order to reveal the framework of German Orientalism, the views by Todd Kontje is
used. By using this theory, the work of the soul era, the world view of the author, and
the position of the author and literary texts within the framework of German
Orientalism.can be explained
The results of this research are (1) Siddhartha is a German oriental literary work that
is identical to the period of romantic orientalism. India as a source of inspiration as
well as the central theme of spiritual quest is a form of expression of opposition to the
dominance of the ratio in life, (2) Siddhartha tried to synergize the tension between
two polar lives, namely spiritualism with materialism . Conceptual structure that is
built up of structuration between text structure and social structure shows homology
with tensions between the East and the West. Rivers that are geographically located
between the two polars, symbolically become the synthesis of both. (3) a world view
that the mediation of structuration is the eternal spirituality (perennial) that originates
from the teachings of the past as well as promoting harmony between material and
spiritual as well as between man, nature and the creator.