Summary: | Costs and benefits Analysis is a practical technique that can be used to
determine the relative merits of a project to be implemented. Its use can contribute
to efficiency by ensuring that new projects are socially marginal costs exceed
marginal social benefits are not considered for approval. If done well then the cost
and benefit analysis can provide important information that will be used by the
parties relating to the project in making decisions among alternative projects exist.
This study aims to calculate and analyze the costs and benefits variable of
economic of road investment projects of Improvement Classes Veteran - Brigjend.
Katamso street of Metro City in 2011 so that can know the level of
appropriateness criteria based on existing investments if the project is feasible or
not (go or no go project).
The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data
obtained from direct observation in the field while the secondary data obtained
from appropriate agencies such as Department of Transportation Metro City,
Metro City Public Works Department, Bappeda City Metro and others. Analysis
tools used in this study is the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Net Present Value (NPV),
Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) and Sensitivity Analysis.
The results showed that at the end of economic life, the project will benefit
a total of Rp41,404,248,725.72 and cost a total of Rp18,494,090,817.66, thus the
net benefit obtained is Rp 22,910,157,908.05. By using the discount rate by 3.79
percent, 6.75 percent and 12.0 percent, obtained by the present value of these net
benefits amounting to Rp11,922,092,266.80, Rp6,576,498,444.90 and