Summary: | This research is to know the representation of hegemonic masculinity in
advertising male products. The study focused on the search for meaning behind
the representation of product advertising man who had been considered represents
the male ideal. As research material selected three male product advertisements
from television commercials advertising : the Djarum Super (waterfall version),
F-150 ads commercials (Hero version), and L-Men (beach version).
The method used to analyze ads is the method of semiotics from Roland
Barthes. Barthes emphasizes that the verbal and visual text in the ad actually
represent social values, culture and ideology developed in the community.
Therefore, the semiotic analysis of advertisements should include a search of the
two meanings both of denotative and connotative meanings, so that it can
explore the ideologies hidden in the ad.
The results show that those product advertisements do represent
hegemonic masculinity and patriarchal domination in society. Hegemonic
representations of masculinity can be seen behind the signs contained in the text
of both visual and verbal aspects. Ideal man is represented as a man who can meet
a living for his family as well as a protector for his family as seen in M-150 ad,
besides the male ideal is also represented as a strong man physically and mentally,
like a challenge and adventure, and have the freedom to express themselves amd
their identity as seen in the Djarum Super ad. Meanwhile in the ad-men L men
ideally represented as a man who noticed the body, and appearance. Of the three
ad also shows the shape of the ideal male of existence of other male hegemony
and superior position: the metrosexual male, stamina male, and heterosexual male.Â