Summary: | Library quality services evaluation is an important activity for academic
libraries. This research is to evaluate service quality library at Economica and
Business Faculty of Diponegoro University based on desired and perceived of
users with LibQUAL
methods. The aims to measurement library service
quality from desired and perceived users, and to know service library dimensions
don�t fullfill desired and perceived users at Economica and Business Faculty of
Diponegoro University with LibQUAL
is effective total survey market to context research in library
to evaluation library quality service. Assessment based on perceived, minimum
expectations, and desired users of library service. LibQUAL
method gives
users a chance to tell library where library services need improvement so it can
respond to and better manage their expectations. Dimensions in LibQUAL
consist of: Service Affect (SA), Library as Place (LP), Personal Control (PC), and
Information Access ( IA).
Population is taken from Diploma III Program