Summary: | This research is conducted to know impact of Positive Affect, Negative
Affect, Internal locus of control, Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice,
Interactional Justice and Organizational Justice toward Organizational Citizenship
Behavior of employees at PT Unindo Jakarta.
Pre test conducted at PT Unindo and question for negative affect found
that 1 invalid item, external locus of control found that 2 invalid item. At variable
organizational justice specially at dimension procedural justice found that 1
invalid item. And invalid item should eliminate for further research analysis. Data
collected design was used in this research. Sample use 142 PT Unindo employees
by convenience sampling technique .
Result analysis by using significant test indicates that existed Impact of
Positive Affect (PA) toward organizational citizenship behavior with significant
value is 0,050. But not impact Negative Affect (NA) toward organizational
citizenship behavior with significant value is 0,968. Internal locus of control
variable have impact toward Organizational Citizenship Behavior with significant
value is 0,007, not impact distributive justice toward organizational citizenship
behavior with significant value is 0,097, procedural justice toward organizational
citizenship behavior with significant value is 0,001, interactional justice toward
organizational citizenship behavior with significant value is 0,000. This research
proves that positive affect and negative affect specially existing in employees can
be must good manage and controlled, beside that good internal locus of control
and organizational justice for all that fair aspect in company will impact toward
good organizational citizenship behavior of employees PT Unindo Jakarta.