Summary: | The influence of job satisfaction on job performance was found to
be inconsistent, and these inconsistencies have led some researchers to
argue that there is a mediator variable in the influence of job satisfaction
on job performance. Previous research has found that affective
commitment mediates the influence of job satisfaction on job performance.
This gives implication to organizations that to improve job performance,
they should concern to enhance not only job satisfaction but also affective
The main objective of this research is to analyze the role of
affective commitment as a mediator in the influence of job satisfaction on
employees� job performance in PT. Telkom KotabaruYogyakarta. A
survey using questionnaire is conducted on 51 employees from each
division. The evaluation of measurement is conducted to test the validity
and the reliability of the questionnaire, and this found that there are 7
items that should be eliminated. To examine the role of affective
commitment as mediator, Baron and Kenny�s (1986) mediation approach
is utilized. The result shows that affective commitment mediates the
influence of job satisfaction on job performance. After affective
commitment is included in regression, the influence of job satisfaction on
job performance decreases but is still significant (from β:0.452 to β:
0.327). These findings suggest that PT. Telkom Kotabaru Yogyakarta
should concern not only job satisfaction but also affective commitment to
improve job performance.