Craters, boulders and regolith of (101955) Bennu indicative of an old and dynamic surface

Small, kilometre-sized near-Earth asteroids are expected to have young and frequently refreshed surfaces for two reasons: collisional disruptions are frequent in the main asteroid belt where they originate, and thermal or tidal processes act on them once they become near-Earth asteroids. Here we pre...

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Main Authors: Walsh, KJ, Jawin, ER, Ballouz, R-L, Barnouin, OS, Bierhaus, EB, Jr, CHC, Molaro, JL, McCoy, TJ, Delbo', M, Hartzell, CM, Pajola, M, Schwartz, SR, Trang, D, Asphaug, E, Becker, KJ, Beddingfield, CB, Bennett, CA, Bottke, WF, Burke, KN, Clark, BC, Daly, MG, Dellagiustina, DN, Dworkin, JP, Elder, CM, Golish, DR, Hildebrand, AR, Malhotra, R, Marshall, J, Michel, P, Nolan, MC, Perry, ME, Rizk, B, Ryan, A, Sandford, SA, Scheeres, DJ, Susorney, HCM, Thuillet, F, Lauretta, DS, Highsmith, DE, Small, J, Vokrouhlicky, D, Bowles, NE, Brown, E, Hanna, KLD, Warren, T, Brunet, C, Chicoine, RA, Desjardins, S, Gaudreau, D, Haltigin, T, Millington-Veloza, S, Rubi, A, Aponte, J, Gorius, N, Lunsford, A, Allen, B, Grindlay, J, Guevel, D, Hoak, D, Hong, J, Schrader, DL, Bayron, J, Golubov, O, Sanchez, P, Stromberg, J, Hirabayashi, M, Oliver, S, Rascon, M, Harch, A, Joseph, J, Squyres, S, Richardson, D, Emery, JP, McGraw, L, Ghent, R, Binzel, RP, Asad, MM, Johnson, CL, Philpott, L, Cloutis, EA, 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Franchi, I, Rozitis, B, Brack, DN, French, AS, McMahon, JW, Russell, S, Killgore, M, Hamilton, VE, Kaplan, HH, Bandfield, JL, Chodas, M, Lambert, M, Masterson, RA, Freemantle, J, Seabrook, JA, Craft, K, Daly, RT, Ernst, C, Espiritu, RC, Holdridge, M, Jones, M, Nair, AH, Nguyen, L, Peachey, J, Plescia, J, Roberts, JH, Steele, R, Turner, R, Backer, J, Edmundson, K, Mapel, J, Milazzo, M, Sides, S, Manzoni, C, May, B, Delbo, M, Libourel, G, Marty, B, Team, O-R
Format: Journal article
Published: Springer Nature 2019
Summary:Small, kilometre-sized near-Earth asteroids are expected to have young and frequently refreshed surfaces for two reasons: collisional disruptions are frequent in the main asteroid belt where they originate, and thermal or tidal processes act on them once they become near-Earth asteroids. Here we present early measurements of numerous large candidate impact craters on near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu by the OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer) mission, which indicate a surface that is between 100 million and 1 billion years old, predating Bennu’s expected duration as a near-Earth asteroid. We also observe many fractured boulders, the morphology of which suggests an influence of impact or thermal processes over a considerable amount of time since the boulders were exposed at the surface. However, the surface also shows signs of more recent mass movement: clusters of boulders at topographic lows, a deficiency of small craters and infill of large craters. The oldest features likely record events from Bennu’s time in the main asteroid belt.