Measurement of the reaction γ*p→φp in deep inelastic e+p scattering at HERA

The production of φ mesons in the reaction e+p → e+φp (φ → K+K-), for 7 < Q2 < 25 GeV2 and for virtual photon-proton centre of mass energies (W) in the range 42-134 GeV, has been studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA. When compared to lower energy data at similar Q2, the results show...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Derrick, M, Krakauer, D, Magill, S, Mikunas, D, Musgrave, B, Okrasinski, JR, Repond, J, Stanek, R, Talaga, R, Zhang, H, Mattingly, M, Bari, G, Basile, M, Bellagamba, L, Boscherini, D, Bruni, A, Bruni, G, Bruni, R, Cara Romeo, G, Castellini, G, Cifarelli, L, Cindolo, F, Contin, A, Corradi, M, Gialas, I
Format: Journal article
Published: 1996