Methotrexate is highly potent against pyrimethamine-resistant Plasmodium vivax.

Resistance of vivax malaria to treatment with antifolates, such as pyrimethamine (Pyr), is spreading as mutations in the dihydrofolatereductase (dhfr) genes are selected and disseminated. We tested the antitumor drug methotrexate (MTX), a potent competitive inhibitor of dhfr, against 11 Plasmodium v...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Imwong, M, Russell, B, Suwanarusk, R, Nzila, A, Leimanis, M, Sriprawat, K, Kaewpongsri, S, Phyo, A, Snounou, G, Nosten, F, Renia, L
Format: Journal article
Published: 2011