सारांश: | Interpretability of classification systems, which refers to the ability of these systems to express their behavior in an understandable way, has recently gained more attention and it is considered as an important requirement especially for knowledge-based systems. The main objective of this study is to improve the ability of a well-known fuzzy classifier proposed in Ishibuchi and Nojima (2007) to maximize the accuracy while preserve its interpretability. To achieve the above-mentioned objective, we propose two variants of the original fuzzy classifier. In the first variant classifier, the same components of the original classifier were used except NSGA-II which was replaced by an enhanced version called Controlled Elitism NSGA-II. This replacement aims at improving the ability of the first variant classifier to find non-dominated solutions with better interpretability-accuracy trade-off. In the second variant classifier, we further improve the first variant classifier by enhancing the selection method of the antecedent conditions of the rules generated in the initial population of genetic algorithm. Unlike the method applied in the original classifier and the first variant classifier, which uses a random selection of the antecedent conditions, we proposed a feature-based selection method to favor the antecedent conditions associated with the most relevant features. The results show that the two variant classifiers find more non-dominated fuzzy rule-based systems with better generalization ability than the original method which suggests that Controlled Elitism NSGA-II algorithm is more efficient than NSGA-II. In addition, feature-based selection method applied in the second variant classifier allowed this method to successfully obtain high-quality solutions as it has consistently achieved the best error rates for all the data sets compared to the original method and the first variant classifier.