Summary: | Feline morbillivirus (FmoPV) is an enveloped virus with non-segmented
negative strands RNA genomes belongs to the genus of Morbillivirus under the family of Paramyxoviridae. Previously, there were no known morbillivirus infecton in domestic
cats. However, a study was done in Hong Kong, in which they discovered a novel virus
that was later named as FmoPV. This was followed by discovery and isolation of
FmoPV in Japan and Europe. Recently, a screening study of FmoPV was conducted in
Malaysia and the prevalence rate was found to be 48.6%. In the present study, urine
samples were taken from 46 cats, randomly from three participating shelter organization.
The collecting samples were then subjected to nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
assay amplifying the L gene of FmoPV for final products of 401 bp. Out of 46 samples
collected, 19 samples were tested positive for the virus FmoPV. The prevalence rate of
FmoPV in shelter cats in Malaysia is 41.3%.