Summary: | The focus of this study is the transfer of marketing knowledge within Thai joint
venture firms. The perspectives of Thai managers were surveyed using a
structured instrument. The analysis identifies seven dimensions of marketing
management knowledge: promotion management, price management, logistics
management, product innovation management, strategic marketing management,
cross-cultural management, and target marketing management. The incidence of
transfer is highest for activities in strategic marketing management, followed by
price management. Transfer in product innovation management and target
marketing management tends to vary with the age of the joint venture. Joint
venture firms with foreign partners originating from Western, advanced,
industrialised nations recorded the highest incidence of knowledge transfer
occurring within product innovation management. This trend also holds true for
the management of promotion activities. The incidence of transfer in target
marketing management is lowest among firms with foreign partners from
neighbouring nations. The incidence of knowledge transfer within product
innovation and target marketing also tends to vary with the age of the joint
venture. An analysis based on industry classification revealed that the transfer of
knowledge regarding logistics management occurs most for firms in the
manufacturing sector. In the service sector, the highest incidence of knowledge
transfer within the areas of promotion management and target marketing
management occurred in the agricultural sector