Summary: | The main purpose of this study was to examine the perception level of
awareness on food handling courses among food handlers and the factors that prevent
them from attending the food handling course at Pasir Mas, Kelantan. A total of 59
food handlers who did not take the Food Handling Course were involved in this
survey. The data obtained were analyzed using IBM Statistical SPSS software version
26. Preliminary studies were conducted showing that Cronbach's alpha obtained was
greater than 0.80. In general, the mean values of the two question items, the level of
knowledge of the food handler and the factors that prevent the operator from attending
the course of food handling, are at a moderate level. The analysis showed that there
was a strong correlation between the level of awareness and the factors that prevented
the food handler from attending a food handling course with p = 0.873> 0.005 In
conclusion, food handlers must attend the food handling course by the government as
a knowledge enhancement towards good hygiene and practices and prevention tools
for food poisoning among customers.